Sunday, October 31, 2010

Saturday's Slappie

Pic by Grom.


K3 said...

Your Slappie posts have started me eyeballing long yellow curbs in my area! :) I was never good at Slappie's back in the 80s...I was more of a ollie onto the curb guy. :) But I've done them before and there is something awesome feeling about pushing your wheels up onto a curb and grinding in a forceful way.

Jeff said...

This curb is easy to get on to because it's low. I have another one in a parking garage that starts out about an inch high and gets to be about six towards the end. You can just run over it and lock in...
I have been jonesing to try frontside ollies to grind. I "used" to have those on lock. Thanks for stopping by!