Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Coonskin Cap

I often run the same pics of the same people in the same spots. That's because I often end up skating on my days off and most of my friends have jobs. This page is something of a chronicle of my skateboarding life and I have my favorite spots and lines for sure. I am pretty content with what I do. Skateboarding provides a release from work, society, from everything and all that matters to me is how I feel at the end of the day. That feeling can usually be described as DRUNK. And I am content that way. To quote Mark Conahan "Contentment seems a personal affront to some people. If you are content you have something they don’t. You must have acquired that contentment on the backs of the less content."


Kvon said...

I know what you mean. I skate my ramp and not much else... It's just convenient and fun and our parks here are lame-O! I feel like I have the same pics over and over but I guess they reflect progress... I am content with progress... lol! I think I like to look at the pics most so I can try to remember the feeling!

Jeff said...

Right on K. It's a chronicle of sorts. Same thing that we tried to do with "Choice News" when we were 15 years old. Only now we're digital punks.

larryosaurus said...

I dig what you do. Your blog is inspiring..and fun as hell!

Plus I get to live vicariously through ya :D

Jeff said...

Thanks Jackie Lantern!!! You guys know where I'm coming from. Progression Session!