Monday, February 18, 2008

Click the Pic and Learn About Skogging!

I thought Marc was out of his mind until I read it for myself...
It is a strange concept to grasp at first but then I realized it is easier than it looks and essential to avoiding fatigue while skating long distances. Check out more at Chris Yandall's Skogging website.


Marc's Board Shop said...

If anyone wants to try Skogging , One the best places to do some Skogging is downtown Charleston. You can park your car in the Drug Emporium parking lot and walk across the street to the walking road near the river. Ride the walking road down past Magic Island to the South Side Bridge and back alternating pushing legs the whole way. That will be around 4 miles and will give you a great workout, strengthen your legs(this will improve your all around skateboarding ablity) and you will have a great time. So cut the jive and jog and get out and do some Skogging.

Carl Marvel said...

I used the skog the shit out of some pavement back in the mid-80's before my friends and I could drive to skate spots! Actually, mongo was the way I learned when I first started riding skateboards in the late-70's. I had to relearn to push the "regular" way after my neighbor gave me a Sims Lamar in '83. But I continued to use both (switch pushing if you will) when I had to travel long distances. It's good to know that mongo has a legitimate function in contemporary skate culture although I would never personally admit to doing anything called skogging. It sounds like some sort of fetish activity. Just kiddin' skoggers!

Carl Marvel said...

Does anyone remember when those dudes skated across the US in 1984? I believe it was the Madrid team or they were sponsored by Madrid. I'll bet they had skogging down to a science after that trip!

larryosaurus said...

I love me some skating but I'll never do this. I probably logged over 10,000 miles when I was a teenager...but that was a loooong time ago.

I'll watch, but I aint in it. I'm old dammit! Old!!

Jeff said...

Skogging sounds similar to Scrogging which is an entirely different activity. Yandall's legs look like tree trunks. I still push mongo when I skate "fakie" or switchstance if you will. Old Skaters Never Die, They Just Take Up Slalom Racing. Unless of course you live in the West and then you can take up Bowl Riding (Stephen I'm green with envy). Old we may be Jackie but I bet Yandall has a few years on us.

Life's Threads said...

Hey, I wrote an article in 1975 published in Skateboarding Mag called cut the jive and jog. I'm not trying to claim I invented the basic movement. I'm claiming I built awareness that it can be done for the sake of doing it. Not out of necessity for long distances. That comes with minor intelligence for some.

I hope to get some sponsoring going so I can visit the country and spread the skogging stoke. It can be done on any board but my style of skateboard fitness riding requires my style of deck design. Basically a 36" bullet shaped flat board, no kick tail with elevated back wheels and radpadded. I should have more on the site.

Every now and then I sniff the message boards to find yak on the skog.

Thanks for the interest :)

when in doubt! go fast safe!

Don't hate . Skate!

Chris Yandall