Monday, September 10, 2012

Skateistan Tragedy

“If you are scared you end up doing nothing and without doing you cannot achieve anything. But if you do things, all that can happen is you succeed or fail.” - Khorshid

For the uninitiated, Skateistan uses skateboarding as a "tool for youth empowerment in Afghanistan and Cambodia."

From Xavier at I Skate, Therefore I Am, "On the morning of Saturday September 8th a suicide attack in Kabul claimed the lives of a number of young Afghans. The bomb was detonated... where many of the street working children of Kabul sell trinkets, scarves and chewing gum to help support their families. We are very sad to learn that of the six young children confirmed to have passed away, four of them were students, volunteers and youth leaders at Skateistan, who were well-loved and well-known faces for the entire team in Kabul. It is therefore with great pain and heavy hearts that we share our memories of children who were not just victims of senseless violence, but also beautiful human beings who will never be forgotten by their teachers, peers, co-workers, students, friends or family."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

this broke my heart. i have followed skateistan from the beginning. within a week of the news i had her name tattooed on my arm. i will keep khorshid with me always.